Saturday, November 11, 2006

Honda Accord - Cog

Nicely made and different viral video. You might find some of the posts from youtube interesting:
starmanz (2 months ago): It's all for real. Get your facts rights before you post.

punwod (2 months ago): incredibly old but amazing video. this is real.

devin6687 (1 month ago): the wheels going up the ramp defy gravity accelerate even after they're hit. that must be CG.

NatashaQuick (1 month ago): anyone who thinks it is fake, post a physics proof that shows those wheels cannot roll uphill. otherwise, learn your math and shut up.

benglow (1 month ago): this is REAL - each wheel tips forwards after they receive the impulse from the preceding wheel. It only looks strange because they are moving slowly. If they were moving quickly we would just accept it! They are heavy enough, however, to have sufficient momentum to carry themselves uphill - albeit slowly.

audiobimmer (1 month ago): This is indeed all real. The wheels rolling uphill do so because they were counterbalanced (inside the tire) at the apex, so as to roll forward. Even more surprising, all of the parts (with the exception of some things, like the jack holding up a plank, etc.) were taken from a number of disassembled Accords donated to the ad agency (even the balance weight inside the wheels was made up of extra parts).

epicmj (1 month ago): there is vids of this were they are trying to get it right but it doesnt. this took them ages!

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