Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Using the MySpace Map with Blogger

Myspace Maps
Simply go to and create a map for MySpace and use the embed code where ever you want to display your website visitors by IP using a map.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

IP Tracking of viral marketing using FLA, SWF and Mochibot

As we've been working with viral marketing for almost a year now, we would like to use our blog to recommend som of the tools that we've found usefull for some of the different aspects of viral marketing.

The first tool on our list is a little something to track your flash (FLV, FLA, SWF) videos called Mochibot. Its easy to use so go ahead and try it out.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How to display IP/web site visitors in geocode on google maps

A funny little OBJECT that will convert your visitors IP to geocode and display their position in a map.

To grap the code just go to where also will find other usefull informations